Whether you have a chronic digestive condition to manage or not, the holidays can take a toll. Vivante Health Nutrition Manager, Kelli Pitrone, shares some self-care reminders all of us could use over the holidays.
The holidays are a time of tremendous joy, but pair that with endless to-do’s, shopping lists galore and events to attend, it can leave little time to care for yourself. Taking this time isn’t only vital for us as unique individuals, it’s vital for the family and friends who surround us. When we’re “filled up,” so to speak, we have more to give. By serving ourselves, we’re better equipped to serve others. Try some of these self-care tips to make the holidays the most joyous time possible. You deserve it.
1. Do Breakfast for You
Do you find yourself waking up thinking about what the kids or your significant other needs for breakfast? Well, don’t forget about yourself. What do YOU need for breakfast to fuel yourself for the day? Here’s a tip: Make YOURS first.
Remember, nourish yourself, and then you’ll have more to give everyone else. A well-balanced breakfast is just the ticket to long-lasting energy throughout the day. Need ideas? Prep ahead and make this recipe, one that the whole fam might just love! https://www.kellipitrone.com/recipes/2017/3/5/overnight-maple-chia-oats
2. Physical Activity
Just do it. Even if it sounds terrible, get your heart rate up for at least 15 minutes per day. Exercise video, yoga, stretching while lying in bed, squats while you’re doing the dishes, going up and down the stairs 5 times—ANYTHING is better than nothing. Get those endorphins flowing with physical activity. Your brain and gut will thank you.
3. Get the Babysitter
Feel like your at your wit’s end with no free time to yourself? Do yourself a favor: remember it’s perfectly okay to schedule the sitter for an extra hour or two so you can do you. It doesn’t mean you have to go plan some fancy outing for yourself. Go sit in your car and just breath, be silent, listen to a podcast, read a book, just be by yourself. The holidays are a time of connection not only with others, but with yourself as well.
4. Put Yourself to Bed at Regular Bedtimes
Regular and restful sleep is key to a productive tomorrow. We put our kids to bed so they’re rested and rejuvenated, so why don’t we deserve the same? It’s hard, but try going to bed before 10 PM every night for a week. See what happens 🙂
5. Have a Date Day/Night for One
New restaurant you want to try? Do it! New movie out that you’ve been dying to see? Do it! New hiking trail you’re itching to conquer? Do it! We’re giving you permission to feel no guilt, no shame. Take time out for you. Clear your mind!
6. Add One More Person to Your Gift List
You spend endless hours shopping for others, but is there something you want? Put yourself on that holiday list!
7. Donate
We actually help ourselves immensely by helping others. Stop and pick up any extra canned goods from your friends and family and take them to a local food pantry or shelter. If you have the means, pick up the grocery tab for the person in line behind you. Collect gently-used coats and donate to the homeless. There are countless ways to give back to the needy, and the emotional boost you get from serving is an incredible byproduct.
8. De-clutter
One of my favorite quotes is, “Your home is living space, not storage space.” Get rid of all that extra unused stuff lying around. If you haven’t used/worn it in 3 months, it’s gotta go. (Wondering what to do with it? See #7 above.) The freedom of releasing the clutter that surrounds you physically will alleviate mental clutter, as well.
Do a few of the tips above or do ‘em all. Small changes can make a big difference. Take some time for yourself, and everyone around will thank you for it!