Bucknell Unversity Wellness Initiative

Bucknell University Partners with Vivante Health

Houston, TX, August 5, 2020 — As an innovative leader in digestive health, Vivante Health is excited to announce Bucknell University has signed on to provide digestive disease health support to its employees and their families. The university rolled out GIThrive, our all-in-one digital platform for gut health, in June 2020. A private liberal arts…

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How Gut Problems Impact Relationships

When you have a digestive disease, there are challenges beyond the illness itself. Coping with painful, often embarrassing symptoms can make it hard to fully connect with other people. That means relationships can suffer.

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How Benefits Managers Can Stop Digestive Disease Stigma

If an employee took you aside right now and told you they struggle with symptoms of digestive disease…how would you react? Most of us would immediately feel uncomfortable with the topic. We might blush, feel uneasy; maybe we’d crack a joke to ease tension. We might attempt to change the subject. Yet, if that same…

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Your Gut is Telling You to Get More Sleep

Are you tired right now? If you’re like most adults, feeling tired is almost a fact of life. It seems like we’re always on the go—with work, with families, and loads of daily responsibilities. Many of us stay up later than we’d like just trying to fit it all in. And when your head does…

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