The Silver Lining of GI Issues: Erin’s Story

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) impacts 10-15 percent of adults worldwide with symptoms ranging from stomach pain, bloating, and gas to diarrhea, bowel urgency, or constipation. Digestive issues impact different people in different ways. Some patients suffer quietly for years, struggling with what to eat and how to best prevent flare-ups, while others develop a sudden…

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How GIThrive’s 1:1 Guidance Changed a Member’s Life: Lizette’s Story

Millions of people struggle with weight and digestive issues like heartburn every single day—and these problems can feel overwhelming. However, access to proper gut-health guidance can make a tremendous difference by providing accountability and support to develop healthy habits. In this blog, one of our GIThrive members shares her relatable story of how her health…

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