super poop

Could Your Poop Be Your Hidden Superpower?

Most of us aspire to be something great: an artist, hero, teacher, or leader. Maybe you just strive to be a great parent, neighbor, coworker, or friend. But there’s probably one place you never expected to find a hidden superpower: your poop. The Gut Microbiome A microbiome is the collection microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, and fungi)…

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Your gut microbiome: Keeping it balanced

You may not know it, but some of your best friends are germs. There are over 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, archaea and viruses colonizing your gut right now. They’ve formed a cozy community, known as your gut microbiome, that’s quietly working on your behalf to aid digestion, fight off infection, and keep you healthy. When…

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Is your doctor (unintentionally) holding you back?

We love doctors. One of the reasons we created GIThrive is to help gastroenterologists. GIThrive is designed to bridge gaps in care, making it easier for patients to follow GI docs’ advice. That said, here’s a summary of another academic article our gut health nerds found interesting… In a 2016 study, researchers wanted to learn…

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Yep, Poop Transplants are a Real Thing

Okay, technically it’s not called a poop transplant. The actual name of the procedure is fecal microbiota transplant, FMT for short. FMT is based on a simple idea: Take a sample of bacteria from the gut of a healthy individual and transfer it to someone who’s got a disease, like Crohn’s or colitis, two inflammatory…

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